Who Is Responsible For Maintaining A Stormwater System?
Stormwater runs off the land after rain or snowmelt. It can carry pollutants, sediment, debris, and other contaminants into streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans. Stormwater management involves controlling and reducing the negative effects of stormwater runoff on human health and the planet. Methods Used to Manage Stormwater Runoff Stormwater management uses various infrastructures and practices to collect, convey, treat, store, or infiltrate stormwater. Some examples of stormwater infrastructure are catch basins, pipes, culverts, ditches, swales, ponds, wetlands, rain gardens, green roofs, permeable pavements, and rain barrels.
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Understanding The Tension Between Indoor Air Quality And Energy Efficiency
If you're an energy-conscious homeowner, you've probably come across the concept of a building envelope before. While this term can sound technical, it simply describes the imaginary barrier between your indoor air and the outside environment. Your home's envelope includes everything from insulation to windows and walls. A more energy-efficient home will have a more tightly-sealed envelope. Since there's less ability for air and energy to travel across this barrier, your conditioned air will remain at a comfortable temperature for longer.
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Benefits Of Using An Onsite Oil Reclamation Service
If your company uses a large amount of oil, you may already be using a used oil service. This service is likely off-site and requires your trucks to transport the oil to the service location. You may also be using resources to not only dispose of the used oil, but attain new oil for your production uses. If this sounds like the situation your business is currently in, there is another option.
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The Best Propane-Powered Home Appliances
Propane is one of the most versatile types of fuel you can use to keep yourself warm, cook and perform various other activities. Propane tends to be less expensive than electricity and provides a source of heat when you experience a power outage or when you do not have access to an outlet. There are several appliances you can use that rely on propane. Outdoor Propane Patio Heaters A propane patio heater can keep you warm during chilly mornings.
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Common Questions Concerning Sewer Line Cleaning
Sewer maintenance and care can be an integral part of keeping your home's plumbing working. In particular, the primary sewer line for the home may need to be periodically cleaned if you are to keep water flowing through it. However, those that are unfamiliar and inexperienced with overseeing this type of work may underestimate the importance of this task, but taking the time to learn more about this maintenance can prove to be indispensable.
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Harnessing The Energy Of The Sun To Lower Your Electric Bill
While it is true that solar electric panels are not new, they are becoming more efficient and less expensive that they were just a few years ago. Solar panels are becoming more common on the roofs of homes and businesses as people look for ways to better use the resources around them to lower costs and decrease their carbon footprint. But are they right for your home? Lowering Your Monthly Costs
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Inspecting An Inherited Home For Asbestos: Why Is It Important?
If you've inherited an old home from a relative, you may want to move into the home soon. Before you go through with the moving process, you should hire professionals to perform an asbestos inspection. If you're inheriting a home that was built several decades ago, there is a good possibility asbestos was used at some point in construction for different purposes. It was once thought to be a safe product used primarily for insulation, but exposure to the fibers of asbestos can cause many serious health issues.
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A Dead Well Pump And The Need For Water: What To Do Next
Well pumps tend to have a very long life, especially the modern ones. However, older pumps do not last as long. If your well pump was already old when you bought your property, it makes perfect sense that your pump is now dead. You know you need to call and schedule a well pump replacement, but what do you do in the meantime? You need water, and here is how you can get it.
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Tips For Organizing A Neighborhood Dumpster Rental
Homeowners living in the suburbs have weekly trash pick up, but residential trash cans are not large enough to large items that need to be disposed of. In many neighborhoods, renting a large dumpster for everyone on the street to use provides an excellent solution to a problem that many homeowners have. A lot of people have junk that they want to get rid of, but a trip to the dump is a hassle and not everyone has enough to fill up a dumpster.
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